Catalogue Raisonné de l’Œuvre peint Serge Charchoune Tome 5 (1961 – 1975)
- Titre : Catalogue raisonné de l’œuvre peint Serge Charchoune Tome 5 (1961 - 1975)
- ISBN : 978-2-9700494-7-0
- Année de parution : 2014
- Prix : 100€
- Éditeur : Lanwell & Leeds Ltd (publishers of fine art books)
- Distributeur France : Pierre Guénégan +33(0) 609 267 864
- Caractéristiques techniques : Format fini : 230X310cm - 328 pages - Support : couché moderne 135g - Impression : quadrichromie offset - Reliure : dos carré cousu collé - Couverture pelliculée, rembordée sur carton 20/10ème - Livré dans un fort carton imprimé quadrichromie et pelliculé
- Trilingue Français / Anglais / Russe
- This fifth and final volume of the catalogue raisonné of Serge Charchoune's painting covers the final part of his life's journey, from 1961 to 1975. This final stage was crucial because it enabled the artist to gain international recognition through major exhibitions in many different countries. This final volume presents another side to Serge Charchoune's art, a side that should not be overlooked. For though Serge Charchoune had always been a painter, he had also always been a poet, writer and playwright. René Guerra, professor of Russian literature at the Sorbonne and author of over three hundred written works, was both Charchoune's friend and the executor of his literary work. By contributing a large number of documents to this fifth volume, René Guerra has enabled us to fully appreciate the importance of the artist's literary work.