Catalogue Raisonné de l’Œuvre peint
- Titre : Catalogue raisonné de l’œuvre peint
- ISBN : 978-2-9700494-9-4
- Année de parution : 2021
- Prix : 120€
- Éditeur : Lanwell & Leeds Ltd (publishers of fine art books)
- Distributeur France : Pierre Guénégan +33(0) 609 267 864
- Caractéristiques techniques : Format fini : 242 x 325 x 48 mm 396 pages - Poids : 2,5 kg - Support : Off set blanc 120 g - Impression : Quadrichromie off set U.V. - Reliure : dos carré cousu collé - Couverture imprimée quadri U.V. - Rembordée sur carton 30/10ème - Livré dans un custod carton impression quadri off set U.V
- Bilingue Français / Anglais
- This painful artistic career, this life full of highs and lows with alternating light and darkness could only inspire me to try to go further than a simple catalogue raisonné. For this reason, this work has four distinct parts. The first section presents a biography of Séraphine Louis that I have attempted to make as exact as possible, with no fictionalized elements. It also contains analyses of her paintings and an analysis of the influence of Wilhelm Uhde in her artistic development, along with an examination as to his true role in the tragic destiny that would lead Séraphine into madness. The second part attempts to explain the pathology that affected Séraphine Louis toward the end of her life. A dual scientific approach is proposed, with excerpts from Dr. Marie-Amélie Ortas-Perretiet’s 1964 doctoral thesis in medicine titled Séraphine, Peintre Aliénée and with an essay titled L’Art pour Contrer la Folie – Séraphine de Senlis, Sans Rivale by Professor Patrick Martin-Mattera, a Freudian psychoanalyst who is University Professor of Psychopathology and who has written an original text for this work focused on Séraphine. The third part presents letters from Séraphine Louis written after she was institutionalized in the Clermont hospital that are being published for the very first time. In the interest of clarity for readers, these letters have been “translated,” both by Maryline Clin, director of the Musée Henri Theillou in Senlis, and Françoise Cloarec, who wrote a book titled Séraphine, published in 2008. A selection of documents supplements and illustrates these first three parts. The fourth part is devoted to the catalogue raisonné of the painted works of Séraphine Louis, with a detailed technical description of each work, as mentioned at the beginning of this foreword.